Inspired Talents

Dare. Dream. Do.

Relish the thrill of creating something entirely your own. Move the audience to tears with just the sound of your voice. Own the stage. Lose yourself and inspire others with dance.

Arts at Holy Cross

Surrounded by art.

Our girls express themselves through striking paintings, vocal performances, and dramatic monologues. They take risks, try something new, and unveil masterpieces. They gain confidence, develop poise, and master technical skills—from brushstrokes to choreography. Our girls embrace the creativity and dedication it takes to succeed as an artist. The arts at Holy Cross promote respect for all cultures and free students to establish their own artistic style.

Much like in real life, art at Holy Cross is not limited to the classroom. Students lead performance-based extracurricular clubs like the Impulse Improv Club and Adrenaline Dance Team. Our girls work together to perform and produce musicals—either by acting on stage or running tech behind the scenes. Our proximity to Washington, D.C. also gives our talented artists some unique opportunities, such as the Independent School Arts Competition; the Congressional Art Competition, sponsored by the House of Representatives; and the High School Seminar, sponsored by the National Gallery of Art.

Our 400-seat theatre is recognized as one of the top performing arts facilities in the area.

Nothing beats watching the world marvel at your masterpiece.

Arts Scholarships

Holy Cross offers scholarships in visual and performing arts to incoming students.

Details here

Arts Courses


  • Madrigal Singers and Honors Madrigal Singers
  • Glee Choir
  • Guitar Seminar
  • Instrumental Ensemble

Film and Theatre

  • Technical Theatre
  • Film Studies
  • Introduction to Acting
  • Public Speaking


  • Jazz/Hip-Hop I and II
  • Modern Dance
  • Musical Theatre Dance

Visual Arts

  • Studio Art I and II
  • Ceramics I and II
  • Photography I and II
  • Graphic Design I and II

Performing Arts Societies

The Tri-M Music Honor Society and the International Thespian Society allow students to pursue their passions for music and theatre, while also including academic, service, and mentoring components. Tri-M puts on performances for the Holy Cross community throughout the year. As members of Tri-M, the students, who are not performing, work behind the scenes to help produce the show, providing opportunities for teamwork and production experience. The International Thespian Society celebrates students’ love of drama. By requiring students to participate in all parts of the theatre production, the International Thespian Society gives aspiring actresses experience running tech and working backstage.

Arts Calendar

Performing Arts Scholarship Day