Social Justice-Service

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Living these words of Blessed Basil Moreau: "If at times you have a marked preference for certain people, it should be for the poor, the abandoned, the most in need of education, those who have less than anyone else. It is a matter of justice to give more to those who have received less" the Holy Cross Social Justice Program helps our girls to live our Catholic Identity through participation in social justice activities. By fostering a spirit of generosity and equality, social justice actions educates our girls about the love that Jesus preaches in the Gospel.


Service Hour Requirement:

As part of our commitment towards compassion for those in need, Holy Cross requires that all students complete service hours during their time at the Academy. Participation in Holy Cross Social Justice through a service hour requirement constitutes a graduation requirement. Girls perform service with hourly requirements each year and will perform a minimum of 75 hours by graduation. Girls serve several populations over their time at Holy Cross including the elderly, young people and those with disadvantages (mental, social, economic or physical).


Social Justice Activities:

Each girl participates in social justice activities through service projects sponsored by the Holy Cross Social Justice Department, clubs, specific courses, Campus Ministry or other opportunities. The Holy Cross Social Justice Department coordinates many service projects throughout the year including different donation drives (monetary and supplies), Empty Bowls, a Hair Donation Drive, and an annual week-long summer service trip. To celebrate our 150th Anniversary, all students and staff participated in an All School Day of Service serving 18 different organizations in the community. Due to the success of the event Holy Cross has made Day of Service an annual event.

Read about our 2024 Day of Service


Day of Service Photos

Campus Ministry

Linda Ruszkowski

Director of Campus Ministry

Holy Cross Social Justice

Maika Walker

Director of Social Justice
