Stay in Touch


"Once a Holy Cross girl, always a Holy Cross girl."

At the Academy of the Holy Cross, every student leaves the Academy a woman of Courage, Compassion and Scholarship. The Alumnae Association brings together generations of Holy Cross women who share that same Holy Cross bond. Our goal is to keep you informed of events, news and updates from former classmates, faculty and The Academy of the Holy Cross. The Alumnae Office is always looking for Ladies of the Academy to get involved, so please contact us if you are interested.

Please contact us if there is anything we can do to assist you. We look forward to seeing you back at The Academy of the Holy Cross soon, and welcoming you home.


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To update your contact information, please fill out our online form. For all other questions, please contact Carole Haas at or

Submit Class Notes and photos here.


    Upcoming Games

    Tartan for a Day
    TAG DAY - Social Justice
    Performing Arts Night for Middle Schools