Lifelong Bonds
Forging friendships.
The Holy Cross experience transforms girls into scholars, but also develops wise leaders and friends you’ll cherish for life. Our girls lift each other up—one girl’s success inspires the entire class. In the classroom, on stage, or on the athletic field, you’ll gain strength from the girl next to you. Our diverse perspectives make us whole—forming one powerful, intelligent, and talented student body. You’ll build quite a support group over four years at the Academy—peers, teachers, administrators, coaches, club moderators, alumnae, and everyone in the Holy Cross community rooting for you.
Emi's Story
Well-rounded doesn't begin to cover it.
Our girls provide the voice of the student body by serving on the Student Council and planning dances, spirit week, school assemblies, and more. They tutor their peers as National Honor Society members and explore their passions in our 30-plus clubs. They cheer on their fellow Tartans from the bleachers and the theatre seats. They complete 60-hour internships and work one-on-one with faculty on research papers.
Holy Cross Day
One of many traditions at Holy Cross, this day is dedicated to celebrating our founders, the Sisters of the Holy Cross. After a special morning assembly, the girls join together in our time-honored tradition, The Sister Grace Race, and bond over water-balloon toss, sack race, musical chairs, and other friendly field games. Students dress in purple and white and wear everything from tutus and capes to face paint and cowgirl hats.
Three times as many alumnae plan to become engineers.
Our three-night Kairos retreat during students’ senior year allows our girls to grow in their spirituality, but also to grow together as friends, to celebrate each girls’ strengths, and to understand the different ways to be a Lady of the Academy.