Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stocks or securities are a great way to receive a tax deduction and eliminate capital gains taxes. Please contact the Advancement Office for transfer instructions to make a gift of appreciated assets. Written correspondence in the form of a letter or email to the Advancement Office indicating that the transfer will be taking place is greatly appreciated for tracking purposes.


The school’s full legal name is:
The Academy of the Holy Cross, Inc.
4920 Strathmore Avenue
Kensington, MD 20895

Federal tax number is 52-0683113

For specific instructions on wiring funds directly to the Academy, or to make a gift of stock by transferring securities, please notify

Stock transfer instructions:

RBC Wealth Management
DTC #0235
Account #320-07986
Account Title: Academy of the Holy Cross
Patricia L. Davidson, Senior Investment Associate
RBC Wealth Management
1700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, #700
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 661-9508

Contact Us

The Academy of the Holy Cross
Office of Institutional Advancement
4920 Strathmore Avenue
Kensington, MD  20895
Cassandra Hoye, Director of Advancement

The Academy of the Holy Cross is not engaged in rendering legal, financial or tax advice. Charitable giving has complexities that cannot be adequately detailed in brief descriptions. Individual personal situations may vary. Please contact your financial or legal advisor for more information.

Step Two:


Gift Intention Form

Full Namerequired
Full Name
Estimated time before stock transfer
Gift Intentions